Thursday, February 6, 2014

Stand up words, ready to race!

Our last lesson began with talking about what to expect during the race.  All of the girls have participated in races before, so I think they know for the most part how it will go.  We talked about eating good the night before, getting plenty of sleep, having good thoughts and imagining themselves doing their best on race morning.

Our second activity was to put our 'stand up words' down on cards that I will take to be displayed at the race.  These are the words that remind the girls how strong & amazing they are, and that they can do anything they set their minds too.  They are also positive words that they can share with others, and share their treasure chest tools that they've learned to use throughout our season.

These girls are pretty awesome!

After the fun with these cards we did our running, and did a last journal task.  They girls wrote down a goal, and the steps that they would take to accomplish their goal.  Some where running related, other's were about trying hard in school, or getting along with their siblings.

Thanks for a great season, I really enjoyed these girls!!

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